Stress is a normal physical response to events that make us feel threatened or upset our balance in some way. The stress response of our body, the ‚fight-or-flight’ reaction is a protective, positive thing.
When working properly, stress response raises our awareness, sharpens our senses and helps us stay focused, energetic, and alert. It helps us rise to meet challenges.
When working improperly, beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to our health, our mood, our productivity, our relationships, and our quality of life.
Our ability to tolerate stress depends on many factors, including the quality of our relationships, our general outlook on life, our emotional intelligence, and genetics.
In most cases it is not the job or the environment alone, that is too stressful. Nor is it the situation. It is our inability to manage ourself.
Whenever our body, mind and emotions are in conflict it is time for a rebalance. Like any change this process has to start within ourselves.
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Next weeks post: Empowerment.