Every leader should know his #1 priority. The one, which you never give up, even in case of trouble, failure or desaster.
I did choose „Culture“ to be my/our number one. Not employees, not customers, not performance, not figures. Why?
Culture is the umbrella term for our social behaviour as a group, the set of values, beliefs, habits and unwritten laws which we live and apply when working together.
These are the essentials of your success. If your essentials are right, your people will undertake every effort to achieve your goals and live your vision.
Culture has utmost importance. Remember Peter Drucker „Culture eats strategy for breakfast“. Since, culture has even gained importance in Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation is not just one more Technology Project. Digital Transformation is a culture shift. You can not be successful in the digital world unless you have the right culture in place.
Culture is an intangible asset. It is very hard to define and it takes continuous effort to establish and sustain. Culture is made by the words and behaviour of the leader. He/she is the role model. He/she is the culture ambassador.
Snapcard: on Instagram @love.lead.create
Next week‘s post: Structure. Hierarchical or Networked?