A Manager focusses on execution and control. That‘s a very much straight forward task. Pretty procedural. Usually a manager avoids risk and failure, it‘s better for his/her carrier.
The manager role is the perfect fit for a hierarchical, tayloristic corporate culture: thinking at the top, execution at the bottom, perfectly designed and optimized processes, information flows to the top, rules come back. Organizations designed for mass production, long product cycles, highly stable markets, rarely changing environments.
A Leader focusses on building trust, empowering and inspiring employees and enabling creativity. That‘s a deeply emotional path full of self-awareness, self-confidence, self-doubt, trials and errors.
Leadership is the perfect fit for organizations and markets in which agility, time2market, engagement, innovation, short product cycles, rapid change and attraction and retention of highly skilled knowledge employees are key success factors.
Book recommendation: Simon Sinek „Leaders Eat Last“
Snapcard: on Instagram @love.lead.create
Next week‘s post: Trust.