Most leaders have been trained to work and lead with expectations. Therefore we are setting (challenging) goals.
Is this always the best approach?
I love to remember a meeting where we kicked-off a new initiative. An initiative in an area so new for us that none of us had profound competencies at this point in time. At the beginning of the meeting my project team members raised the question ‚Peter, what are your expectations?‘. I answered ‚We are so used to work on expectations. Let‘s this time be different and live our digital principle number 1 „be explorative“. Let‘s see how far we can go in 6 months. Then we take the decision whether to continue or to stop.‘
After 6 months we had achieved much more than I could have imagined when receiving the question.
Working with fixed expectations might be the best practice in situations where our knowledge and experience helps us setting goals. And for the rest leave it open and allow your team to surprise you.
Find snapcard on Instagram: @love.lead.create
I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021.